The Children's Program at the JP Gallery gives elementary school age students the opportunity to study various styles of dance regardless of level of ability or experience. Our number one goal is to build confidence through team building and acceptance. We believe that once a child feels safe and loved by their peers and educators, anything is possible, including the arts!
Our Children's Program is for students in grades 1st through 6th. Each week, they study classical ballet, jazz, tap, and acrobatics. Our goal is to introduce various styles of dance so that students can become well-rounded artists who will be able to better pick their concentration of choice in later years without feeling limited, if they so desire.
As students progress in their dance courses, they also have the opportunity to be invited to audition for our youth repertoire. This is a rigorous program that trains students in advanced studies for both performance and pre-professional education.
We encourage you to visit our center and see what we are all about. Students are welcome to try one class at no charge to determine if it is something they would like to pursue. Contact the JP Gallery today to learn more and set up your visit!
Visit our Youth Opportunities page to see what all is in store for your kiddo beyond their weekly classes!
What is the teen program at the JP Gallery?
The teen years are some of the most difficult years both you and your kid will go through. Bodies are changing. Moods are changing. Knowledge and understanding of the world around them is expanding, yet not fully developed. These students know that there is more to life than what we as parents have introduced them to. They suddenly figure out that we have shielded them from quite a bit, not because we wanted to deprive them of life experiences, but because we understand that age-appropriateness plays a part, and through no fault of our own, we just hate to see them get hurt. Now they are trying to figure out where they belong in this complex world.
We here at the JP Gallery are aware of all of this and know that it takes a village of support. Sometimes parents get it in places they least expect and from those they never thought would be part of their team. But, we are here to tell you that we are indeed a part of your village and look forward to watching your teen grow in a supportive environment, feeling love and acceptance when they are away from home.
Teen students ages 13 to 18 who are anywhere from beginner through advanced level in dance, all come together at the same time to participate in an evening of training in both technique and choreography. Members of both our Company Repertoire and Adult Program participate as well so that everyone can learn from each other, lending support through peer-to-peer teachings and demonstrations. Why? Because no matter our background or experience, we all started in the same place and can always afford to go back to basics.
Equality is where it is at. Helping to raise others up instead of tearing them down is our main focus. When an individual feels inclusion, they suddenly feel happy in their surroundings. When they are happy, then they become confident. And when that confidence is there, they can excel at anything, including the arts!
Our evening of community dance consists of a lesson in classical ballet which includes an extensive stretch and strengthening segment to build flexibility and agility.
We also offer a jazz class that teaches universal dance steps that are found across several styles of dance that can be applied to most platforms outside of the studio such as school musicals, marching band, and cheer-leading. Students will participate in several choreography compositions in the styles of Luigi jazz, musical theatre jazz, and hip hop.
Our tap dancing class is a fun way to build a rhythmic ear while focusing on both gross motor and fine motor coordination. Building clarity in sound and cleanliness in the execution of steps is a main focal point of this class.
Teens have the choice of taking any or all of the classes offered in this weekly session. In addition training courses, we also offer an array of support for growth and inclusivity through The Clubs program. You can find more information on all of these add-ons here on our Youth Opportunities page. You can email the Gallery for the most up-to-date class schedule. We look forward to meeting you and your teen in the near future and are honored you have chosen us to be a part of your village.
Do you have questions? Want to register? Email us today to request a copy of our Welcome Guide. In this document you will find all of the registration information you need including class policies, required attire, and tuition rates, along with links to our registration forms. Get your copy today! Click here!